
Comment getting rejected
Dear User, we have a strict comment policy against hateful/abusive/vulgar words in comments. If you feel your comment wasnt like mentioned, please share the...
Click leading to different story
Dear User, sorry for the experience. We at Dailyhunt work towards improving the user experience daily & appreciate you raising it to us. Please share th...
Battery usage
Dear user, we apologize for increased battery consumption on your device. We take great care to ensure that the battery consumption of our app is low. Howev...
Copyright Issue
If you're finding any such issues in our app, please contact us at [email protected] with the articles. We will definitely try and help you as ea...
When do we add or update new Newspapers?
As a continuous process, we keep adding newspapers and news sources to NewsHunt.
What's new on the latest version of Dailyhunt App - Android
Please find all your favourite and recently read sources in the "Follow" section (star icon)  under the More(three dashes)on the bottom bar. You c...
What is Dailyhunt (Formerly NewsHunt)?
DailyHunt is a mobile app, with News from over 500+ news sources such as Newspapers, News websites and feeds. With NewsHunt app in the palm of your hands, y...