
Unable to block updates of a particular newspaper
Dear User, this case shouldn’t happen. Can you please go to your setting & check in "Blocked", whether the channel is actually blocked. If so,...
Click leading to different story
Dear User, sorry for the experience. We at Dailyhunt work towards improving the user experience daily & appreciate you raising it to us. Please share th...
Fake/biased news
Dear user, We have a collection of 3000+ partners across languages and we show content from all of these partners. You can personalize your feed by followin...
News Headlines Mismatch Issue
Dear user, we apologize for the mismatch of the headline and the article content. At Dailyhunt, we aggregate content from different publishers without modif...
Old/Repeated News Issue
Dear user, we apologize for your experience on the app where you saw old / repeated content. We take great pride in serving personalized, relevant, and the ...
Spelling issues
Dear user, we apologize for the incorrect grammar / spellings in the content. At Dailyhunt, we aggregate content from different publishers without modifying...
How to make use Dailyhunt (Formerly NewsHunt) to keep yourself updated?
DailyHunt - a top Mobile News app on all Platforms - helps you stay updated on the news around you. Following are some tips from us, to get the most out of ...
Can I get the major sporting events details, for ex: FIFA World Cup?
Yes, we do. You can find it under the sports category. Click on plus (+) icon appearing on the top right side of the Headline section, go to topics & th...
Cricket scores sometimes delayed, why?
Yes, Cricket scores from STAR Networks are delayed by 3 mins. This is as per our terms.
Does DailyHunt update Cricket score live?
Yes. Please follow the below steps to get it. Click on plus (+) icon appearing on the top right side of the Headline section, go to topics & there you...