
Should I register to buy books on NewsHunt?
No, you don’t have to register to buy books. But, we recommend you to register so that you can login with the same email address on up to 5 mobile device...
Unable to download book, getting error 'Download limit exceed'
If you have downloaded the same book more than 5 devices, then you may get this error. To help you on this, kindly share us the Client ID (seen in the A...
Can I use my Facebook account login?
Yes, you can use your Facebook account to register and login.
Can I read the books on my iPhone or Windows phones?
Yes, we have launched ebooks on iPhone and Windows phone. iPhone: https://itunes.apple.com/in/app/newshunt/id338525188?mt=8 Windows: http://www.wind...
Can I read my purchased books on other devices?
Yes, you can login with the same email address on up to 5 devices to read the same books.
What Awards Has NewsHunt Won ?
NewsHunt has been recognized by its users and leading platforms. Some of the awards that we have won are: •   GSMA Global Mobile Awards 2013: Best Publish...
Privacy issue
Dear user, we serve personalized and relevant content based on user inputs to make the app even more useful. We also have a strict data privacy policy, and ...
App not updating
Dear user, we apologise for the inconvenience. The app update happens from the Google Play Store. We therefore request you to share your current client ID (...
Force download of the app.
Dear user, we apologize for this experience. Dailyhunt does not encourage app downloads from any 3rd party website, nor does it directly incentivise users t...
Comment section removal
Dear User, we are sorry for the experience, we are working hard towards improving the comment experience. Please share the screenshot or article link via em...